Condition Reports

A site visit, inspection and comprehensive report on specified equipment within the organisation.

The report provides a professional, impartial and standalone document for client use, based on the expert opinion of the directors on the status and condition of the specified equipment.

The condition report aims to identify issues and present solutions, making use of two systems to provide the best and most comprehensive advice possible.

The first identifies the Concern, Cause and recommended Counter Measure. This is further supported by the second rating system: RAG (Red, Amber, Green). In the RAG system, Red typically reflects an immediate issue; Amber is a cautionary warning of issues needing attention, while Green is advisory. This is implemented to help with decision making within your organisation by allowing you a detailed view of the condition of your equipment.

As experienced suppliers, we recognise that the cost of deploying a solution to issues found is the next stage for our clients. With this in mind, FABtekk will also provide a separate ‘Commercial-in-Confidence’ competitive quotation for any remedial works noted during the completion of the condition report.